Wise Investments


By: Duncan Robinson

I buy a lottery ticket once a year. It isn’t a sound investment; it isn’t a wise move. Every mathematical equation tells me it is a bone-headed decision and a waste of $2. Yet once a year, I’ll head to the local newsagent and buy a lottery ticket. A miniscule investment with the hopes of a monumental return. Continue reading “Wise Investments”

Let Your Yes Be Yes… and Your No Be No.


By: Susan Browning

I’m a planner. I like order. I thrive when structure is around me. But lately God’s been reshaping flexibility in my life. Actually, let’s rephrase that…. because it hasn’t even been that recent. It’s been this gradual life inclination to a spontaneous life and each level I’ve been stretched and it’s been uncomfortable. And then I find order and I breathe and I’m happy until the next “can we reschedule?” appears before us. Continue reading “Let Your Yes Be Yes… and Your No Be No.”